0 Gauge Layout Update July 2019
There always was more than one purpose in building this layout from scratch, one being to utilise the layout which had been purchased many years ago and was stored under benches. The. Second reason was to give some of the members an insight in various techniques needed to build a layout.
To date all the boards have been made erected and connected, including two bridges to allow access and fire escape. Track has been mostly been laid.
95% of the wiring is complete and tested so that loco and stock running is already taking place.
The track has mostly been ballasted .
All points are now motorised.
So what remains:
Control boards for the points are nearly complete. We intend to incorporate signal controls on these boards when the scenic boards are completed .
Beyond that we have a collection of semaphore signals to fit and possibly make work with lighting. This is ongoing.
Panels for the scenics back drops are being put in place now that the ballasting is complete.
There is already a station on one side of the layout with a cattle pen, over bridge and an engine shed under construction.
In the corners we have begun work on creating embankments and in one corner a tunnel through a hill to create a visual break. Behind the engine shed we are looking at a more industrial backdrop .
In the corner on the Eastern approach to the yard we are planning a hillside Watership Down?
The final corner is the branch line terminus and a large corn mill.
In the meantime we have a stock of carriages and wagons available to run all controlled with NCE DCC equipment.
This is essentially a DCC layout although provision has been made for DC operation.
The fiddle yard is worked from two control panels one at each end. Each is fitted with LEDS which indicate the setting of the points.
The double track has curve radii of between 6'6 and 6' so can accommodate most “0” gauge models. To date we have run various locos 4-6-0, 2-10-0 and a heavy Heljan diesel, D0280 Falcon.
The Era is basically post war steam but all are welcome.
A few photos showing new trackwork
Station throat
Fiddle Yard
Station entrance
Engine shed
A busy moment in the new fiddle yard