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The Little Midland Society

Rules of the Society

1. The name of the society shall be "The Little Midland Society, Chesterfield."

2. The aim of the society is to promote the interest of model railway and prototype railway enthusiasts.

3. Membership is open to anyone aged 12 years or over. Junior members (12-15) must be accompanied by a responsible person at all times.

4. All applications for membership must be addressed in writing to the membership secretary.

5. The society reserves the right at any time to decline the acceptance of any application for membership, or the renewal of same.

6. a) Membership will be subject to the payment of an annual subscription.                   

    b) A weekly subscription is taken at society meetings held at the cottages. For full details of the current subscription rates, reference should be made to the society notice board or website.

7. Failure by members to renew their membership during the renewal period of one month invalidates that membership after the expiry date.

8. The society shall be administered by a committee of five members comprising as follows:-

     a)The Chairman              

     b)The Secretary    

     c)The Treasurer              

     d) The Membership Secretary                            

     e) Trip secretary


9. The committee (as outlined in rule 8) shall be elected at the annual general meeting each year by members of the society present by a majority of votes. No person shall be eligible to be a member of the committee who was not a member of the society on the first day of May of the previous year to the date of the annual general meeting and who has not in the preceding twelve months been a regular attendee at society meetings.

10. Any vacancy arising on the committee shall be filled by a member having met the requirements outlined in rule 9 and elected by a majority of members present at a special general meeting or if deemed necessary by a majority of remaining committee members without a special general meeting, and as a temporary measure, until the next A.G.M.

11. The committee shall be responsible for all the activities and affairs of the society.

12. Every committee member is expected to attend as many committee meetings as possible and be a regular attendee at the cottages, default can lead to dismissal from the committee.

13. Members must respect the authority vested in the committee at all times.

14. Neither The Little Midland Society nor the trustees of the society shall be held responsible for any loss, death, injury nor damage to any members or other persons, however caused while on society premises or excursions. Membership and participation in excursions are taken on this understanding.

15. Neither The Little Midland Society nor the trustees of the society shall be held responsible for any loss or damage to members or other persons property. Items are brought to the cottages or on society excursions entirely at the owners risk.

16. Any member behaving in a manner liable to bring the society into disrepute shall be expelled without question. The society's name must not be used for members own correspondence without written permission from the secretary. The Society must not be brought into disrepute by anyone using any form of social media (twitter, facebook or similar).Offenders may be prosecuted.

17. Dissolution of the society shall not occur unless resolved by a vote taken by all members of the society with a 90% majority. If such a resolution is passed all assets of the society owned at the time of dissolution shall be divided only between  the members of the society on that date.

18. No member is allowed up to the cottages, other than meetings, (Monday and Friday evenings or other arranged days) without the permission of the committee.

19. Members are requested to use with due care and keep safe all facilities, equipment etc provided by the society. In using these facilities at the cottages members should comply with the following:-                   

    a) All equipment must be kept in good order and tidy. Under no circumstances must equipment be left outside unattended.            

    b)  No member may alter or interfere with the layouts or facilities in and around the cottages unless authorised by the layout engineer or the committee.

    c)  All model locomotives must be locked away or taken home by their owners after every meeting.

20. The cottages including the adjoining ground and approach must be kept free from litter. The last member leaving the cottages after a meeting must close the entrance road gate.

21. No alcoholic beverages are to be brought into or consumed on the premises without the approval of the committee.

22. Members who arrive at the cottages by motor transport MUST keep their vehicles to the path and are NOT to drive in the field unless authorised to do so. Members are asked to leave their vehicles by the roadside if they wish to leave before the end of the meeting.

23. All excursions organised by the society (including bookings on special trains) must be paid for in advance and in any case before the day of the trip.

24. Any member or other persons failing to appear for an excursion for which they have booked will only have money refunded if medical evidence or other urgent reason can be provided in writing. Refunds will be made at the discretion of the committee.

25. All postal orders and cheques must be crossed "A/C PAYEE ONLY" and made payable to "The Little Midland Society". In no circumstances are they to be payable to a society official.

26. The Little Midland Society reserve the right to cancel any excursion or to make alterations to any excursion without first notifying members or other participants of that excursion.

27. All written correspondence to the society which requires a reply must be accompanied by a stamped addressed envelope.

28. Amendments to these rule may only be implemented at the Annual General Meeting or at a Special General Meeting. Each change is to be agreed by a majority of members present.

29. The Annual General Meeting shall take place on the first Friday in May each year.

30. Only fully paid up members are allowed to vote at the Annual General Meeting or any Special General Meeting.

31. Smoking is not permitted anywhere inside any building, this includes any form of electronic "cigarette" or vaping.

32. Any member who is expelled for any reason is not entitled to any refund of subscriptions nor any other monies paid for any reason.

33. Anyone using any tools or equipment at the cottages must ensure that they are conversant with and comply with all safe working practices that are relevant to the tools or equipment being used.


      Last revision May 2017


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